# Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Fumito Hamamura <fumito.ham@gmail.com>
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections.abc import Sequence
OBJ = 0
KEY = 1
def node_has_key(node):
return len(node) > 1
def key_to_node(obj, key):
"""Return node form object ane ky"""
return (obj, key)
def get_node(obj, args, kwargs):
"""Create a node from arguments and return it"""
if args is None and kwargs is None:
return (obj,)
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
return obj, _bind_args(obj, args, kwargs)
def node_get_args(node):
"""Return an ordered mapping from params to args"""
obj = node[OBJ]
key = node[KEY]
boundargs = obj.formula.signature.bind(*key)
return boundargs.arguments
def tuplize_key(obj, key, remove_extra=False):
if key.__class__ is tuple: # Not isinstance(key, tuple) for speed
key = (key,)
if not remove_extra:
return key
paramlen = len(obj.formula.parameters)
arglen = len(key)
if arglen:
return key[: min(arglen, paramlen)]
return key
def _bind_args(obj, args, kwargs):
boundargs = obj.formula.signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
return tuple(boundargs.arguments.values())
def get_node_repr(node):
obj = node[OBJ]
key = node[KEY]
name = obj.get_repr(fullname=True, add_params=False)
params = obj.formula.parameters
arglist = ", ".join(
"%s=%s" % (param, arg) for param, arg in zip(params, key)
if key in obj.data:
return name + "(" + arglist + ")" + "=" + str(obj.data[key])
return name + "(" + arglist + ")"
class BaseNode:
"""Base class for all Node classes
.. seealso::
:class:`ItemNode`, :class:`~modelx.core.reference.ReferenceNode`
.. versionadded:: 0.15.0
__slots__ = ("_impl",)
def __init__(self, node):
self._impl = node
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._impl[OBJ] is other._impl[OBJ] and
self._impl[KEY] == other._impl[KEY])
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._impl[OBJ], self._impl[KEY]))
def obj(self):
"""Return the Cells object"""
return self._impl[OBJ].interface
def args(self):
"""Return a tuple of the cells' arguments."""
return self._impl[KEY]
def has_value(self):
"""Return :obj:`True` if the cell has a value."""
return self._impl[OBJ].has_node(self._impl[KEY])
def value(self):
"""Return the value of the cells."""
if self.has_value():
return self._impl[OBJ].get_value_from_key(self._impl[KEY])
raise ValueError("Value not found")
def preds(self):
"""A list of nodes that this node refers to."""
return self.obj.preds(*self.args)
def succs(self):
"""A list of nodes that refer to this node."""
return self.obj.succs(*self.args)
def _baseattrs(self):
"""A dict of members expressed in literals"""
result = {
"type": type(self).__name__,
"obj": self.obj._baseattrs,
"args": self.args,
"value": self.value if self.has_value() else None,
"predslen": len(self.preds),
"succslen": len(self.succs),
"repr_parent": self.obj._impl.repr_parent(),
"repr": self.obj._get_repr(),
return result
def _get_attrdict(self, extattrs=None, recursive=True):
result = {
"type": type(self).__name__,
"obj": self.obj._get_attrdict(extattrs, recursive),
"args": self.args,
"value": self.value if self.has_value() else None,
"predslen": len(self.preds),
"succslen": len(self.succs),
"precedentslen": len(self.precedents),
"repr_parent": self.obj._impl.repr_parent(),
"repr": self.obj._get_repr(),
return result
def __repr__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class ItemNode(BaseNode):
"""Node class to represent elements of Cells and Spaces
This class
is for representing *elements* of :class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells` objects
and Space objects such as :class:`~modelx.core.space.UserSpace`.
An *element* of a :class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells` object is identified
by arguments to the :class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells`.
If the :class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells` has a value for the arguments,
whether it's calculated or input, the :meth:`has_value`
returns :obj:`True` and :attr:`value` returns the value.
Similarly to the :class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells` element,
an element of a Space is identified by arguments to the Space.
Since a call to the Space returns an :class:`~modelx.core.space.ItemSpace`,
the value of the Space's element is the :class:`~space.ItemSpace` object
if it ever exists.
.. seealso::
:class:`BaseNode`, :class:`~modelx.core.reference.ReferenceNode`
.. versionchanged:: 0.15.0
Renamed to ItemNode from Element.
__slots__ = ()
def precedents(self):
"""Return the precedents
.. seealso::
return (self.preds + self._impl[OBJ].get_valuerefs()
+ self._impl[OBJ].get_attrpreds(self.args, {}))
def __repr__(self):
name = self.obj._get_repr(fullname=True, add_params=False)
params = self.obj._impl.formula.parameters
arglist = ", ".join(
"%s=%s" % (param, repr(arg)) for param, arg in
zip(params, self.args)
if self.has_value():
valrepr = repr(self.value)
if "\n" in valrepr:
valrepr = "\n" + valrepr
return name + "(" + arglist + ")" + "=" + valrepr
return name + "(" + arglist + ")"
class ObjectNode(BaseNode):
__slots__ = ()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._impl[OBJ] is other._impl[OBJ]
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._impl[OBJ])
def obj(self):
"""Return the ReferenceProxy object"""
return self._impl[OBJ].interface
def args(self):
"""Return a tuple of the cells' arguments."""
return None
def has_value(self):
return False
def value(self):
return None
def preds(self):
"""A list of nodes that this node refers to."""
return []
def succs(self):
"""A list of nodes that refer to this node."""
return []
def precedents(self):
return []
# @property
# def dependents(self):
# pass
def __repr__(self):
name = self.obj._get_repr(fullname=True, add_params=False)
if not hasattr(self.obj, "formula"): # for Reference
params = None
elif self.obj.formula is None: # for Space
params = None
params = ", ".join(self.obj.parameters)
if self.has_value():
valrepr = repr(self.value)
if "\n" in valrepr:
valrepr = "\n" + valrepr
if params is None:
return name + "=" + valrepr
return name + "(" + params + ")" + "=" + valrepr
if params is None:
return name
return name + "(" + params + ")"
class ItemFactory:
__slots__ = ()
def node(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a Node object for the given arguments."""
return ItemNode(get_node(self._impl, args, kwargs))
def preds(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of predecessors of a cell.
This method returns a list of ItemNode objects, whose elements are
predecessors of (i.e. referenced in the formula
of) the cell specified by the given arguments.
return self._impl.predecessors(args, kwargs)
def succs(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of successors of a cell.
This method returns a list of ItemNode objects, whose elements are
successors of (i.e. referencing in their formulas)
the cell specified by the given arguments.
return self._impl.successors(args, kwargs)
def precedents(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of the precedents.
This is a method of Cells and Space types,
and returns a list of :class:`Node<modelx.core.node.BaseNode>`
objects that are precedents of the object's node specified by
the arguments passed to the method.
The :meth:`preds` method is similar to this method, but
:meth:`preds` only lists nodes of Cells and Spaces.
This method also lists nodes of Reference values in addition to
the nodes of Cells and Spaces returned by :meth:`preds`.
.. code-block:: python
import modelx as mx
space = mx.new_space()
space.x = 1
space.Child.y = 2
space.Child.GrandChild.z = 3
def foo(t):
return t
def bar(t):
return foo(t) + x + Child.y + Child.GrandChild.z
The ``bar`` Cells depends on one Cells ``foo``, and 3 References,
``x``, ``Child.y``, and ``Child.GrandChild.z``.
Below, ``bar.preds(3)`` returns a list containing ``foo(3)``,
which is the only Cells element that ``bar(3)`` depends on::
>>> bar(3)
>>> bar.preds(3)
The :meth:`precedents` method returns a list containing not only
Cells elements,
but also References that ``bar(3)``
depends on when calculating its value::
>>> bar.precedents(3)
References whose values are modelx objects, such as
:class:`~modelx.core.cells.Cells` and
:class:`Spaces <modelx.core.space.UserSpace>`,
are not included in the lists
returned by this method.
.. seealso::
:meth:`preds`, :meth:`succs`, :meth:`node`
.. versionadded:: 0.15.0
return (self.preds(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._impl.get_valuerefs()
+ self._impl.get_attrpreds(args, kwargs))
class ItemFactoryImpl:
__slots__ = ()
__mixin_slots = ()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dependency
def predecessors(self, args, kwargs):
node = get_node(self, args, kwargs)
preds = self.model.tracegraph.predecessors(node)
return [ObjectNode(n) if len(n) < 2 else ItemNode(n) for n in preds]
def successors(self, args, kwargs):
node = get_node(self, args, kwargs)
succs = self.model.tracegraph.successors(node)
return [ItemNode(n) for n in succs]
def get_attrpreds(self, args, kwargs):
node = get_node(self, args, kwargs)
if node in self.model.refgraph:
preds = self.model.refgraph.predecessors(node)
return [ref.to_node() for ref in preds]
return []
def get_value_from_key(self, key):
raise NotImplementedError
def has_node(self, key):
raise NotImplementedError
def to_node(self):
return ObjectNode(get_node(self, None, None))
def set_value_from_key(self, key, value):
def clear_value_at(self, key, clear_input=True):