=============================== modelx v0.12.1 (6 Feb 2021) =============================== This release is for fixing the following bugs. Bug Fixes ========= * Deleting derived Cells was allowed. Deleting an overridden Cells now makes the Cells derived * :class:`~modelx.io.pandasio.PandasData` objects introduced in modelx 0.12.0 were not properly written to and read from files * A DynamicSpace assigned to a Reference became null in some cases after deserialized(`GH37`_) * Error when reading references whose values are :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` from saved models(`GH39`_) * Redundant qtpy dependency(`GH38`_) .. _GH39: https://github.com/fumitoh/modelx/issues/39 .. _GH37: https://github.com/fumitoh/modelx/issues/37 .. _GH38: https://github.com/fumitoh/modelx/issues/38