.. currentmodule:: modelx .. _release-mxplugin-v0.6.0: ==================================== spyder-modelx v0.6.0 (29 March 2021) ==================================== This release introduces following enhancements and new features. * `Enhanced MxDataViewer`_ * `Enhanced MxExplorer`_ * `Message bar in MxAnalyzer`_ .. note:: spyder-modelx v0.6.0 requires modelx v0.13.1 or newer. The safest way to update your existing installation is to update modelx and spyder-modelx manually: .. code-block:: $ pip install --upgrade modelx $ pip install --upgrade --no-deps spyder-modelx .. warning:: Anaconda users should not forget ``--no-deps`` option when installing or upgrading spyder-modelx using *pip*. Otherwise, *pip* may overwrite packages that spyder-modelx depends on. Enhancements ============= Enhanced MxDataViewer --------------------- The former *MxDataView* is now renamed as *MxDataViewer*, and it can now show values of :obj:`list`, :obj:`set`, :obj:`tuple`, :obj:`dict`, `numpy`_ `array`_, in addition to `pandas`_ `DataFrame`_, `Series`_, and `Index`_ in a tabular format. It now also shows the values and types of scalar objects, such as :obj:`int` and :obj:`str`. Not only *MxDataViewer* is capable of showing the value of the expression entered by the user as it was previously, *MxDataViewer* is now connected to *MxExplorer*, and it gives an option to show the value of the selected Cells or Reference in *MxExplorer*. The value shown in *MxDataViewer* is now updated manually by the *Update* button. .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/MxDataViewerDataFrame.png :align: center MxDataViewer showing a pandas Series .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/MxDataViewerListInDict.png :align: center MxDataViewer showing a dict and its nested lists .. _numpy: https://numpy.org/ .. _array: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.array.html .. _pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/ .. _DataFrame: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.html .. _Series: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.Series.html .. _Index: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.Index.html Enhanced MxExplorer --------------------- Two new columns, *Is Derived* and *No. Data* are added to *MxExplorer*. The *Is Derived* column shows whether each Cells or Space is derived or not. The *No. Data* columns shows the number of values in each Cells. In the *Properties* tab, the split between the *Property* pane and the *Formula* pane is adjustable, allowing the user to expand either pane. .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/MxExplorer.png :align: center MxExplorer with the new columns Writing a model to a zipfile and also reading a model from a zip file are supported from the context menu items. .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/ReadModelZipOption.png :align: center "Read Model" dialog box .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/WriteModelZipOption.png :align: center "Write Model" dialog box Message bar in MxAnalyzer --------------------------- A message bar is added at the bottom of the *MxAnalyzer* widget to indicate errors when expressions entered in the *Object* and *Args* boxes cannot be evaluated. .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_6_0/MxAnalyzerErrorMsg.png :align: center MxAnalyzer showing an error message