.. currentmodule:: modelx .. _release-mxplugin-v0.8.0: ==================================== spyder-modelx v0.8.0 (19 May 2021) ==================================== This release is to support :meth:`~core.cells.Cells.precedents` introduced in modelx v0.15.0. To use modelx and spyder-modelx out of the box without any installation, a custom WinPython is provided on `the Download page `_ on lifelib.io. The safest way to update your existing installation is to update modelx and spyder-modelx manually: .. code-block:: $ pip install --upgrade modelx $ pip install --upgrade --no-deps spyder-modelx .. warning:: Anaconda users should not forget ``--no-deps`` option when installing or upgrading spyder-modelx using *pip*. Otherwise, *pip* may overwrite packages that Spyder depends on. .. note:: spyder-modelx v0.8.0 requires modelx v0.15.0 or newer. Enhancements ============= The *precedents* tab in *MxAnalyzer* now lists References with values. .. code-block:: python import modelx as mx space = mx.new_space() space.new_space('Child') space.Child.new_space('GrandChild') space.x = 1 space.Child.y = 2 space.Child.GrandChild.z = 3 @mx.defcells(space=space) def foo(t): return t @mx.defcells(space=space) def bar(t): return foo(t) + x + Child.y + Child.GrandChild.z bar(1) .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_8_0/PredsInMxAnalyzer.png :align: center Precedents tab in MxAnalyzer before change .. figure:: /images/relnotes/spymx_v0_8_0/PrecedentsInMxAnalyzer.png :align: center New Precedents tab in MxAnalyzer