Using pandas with modelx ========================== .. py:currentmodule:: modelx.core `pandas`_ is a popular Python package for data manipulation and analysis. It offers versatile data structures, such as *DataFrame* and *Series* to store tabular and vector data. Saving pandas objects in Excel or CSV files -------------------------------------------- By default, modelx treats pandas objects in the same way as it treats any other pickleable data, which means that they are `pickled`_ and saved with other objects in a binary data file. .. _pandas: .. _pickled: In addition to this default behaviour, modelx implements a feature to change this default behaviour for pandas DataFrames and Series, and save them in Excel and CSV files. .. note:: This feature require the `OpenPyXL`_ package in addition to pandas. If not yet installed, install `OpenPyXL`_ by ``pip install openpyxl`` or ``conda install openpyxl``. .. _OpenPyXL: Let's see how this works. The script below creates a sample DataFrame ``df``:: >>> import pandas as pd >>> index = pd.date_range("20210101", periods=3) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 3), index=index, columns=list("XYZ")) >>> df X Y Z 2021-01-01 0.184497 0.140037 -1.599499 2021-01-02 -1.029170 0.588080 0.081129 2021-01-03 0.028450 -0.490102 0.025208 Let's also create a sample model and a sample space in the model, and assign the space to ``space``:: >>> import modelx as mx >>> model = mx.new_model() # Creates a new model Model1 >>> space = model.new_space() # Creates a new space Space1 To assign the sample DataFrame to ``x`` in the space, we would normally do:: >>> space.x = df By saving the model, ``df`` would be stored in a binary file named *data.pickle* under the *_data* directory in the model directory. To save the DataFrame in an Excel file, instead of the assignment above, :meth:`~space.UserSpace.new_pandas` should be used like this:: >>> space.new_pandas("x", "Space1/df.xlsx", data=df, file_type="excel", sheet="df1") The code above not only assigns ``df`` to ``x`` in ``space``, but also associates metadata to ``df`` for saving it in an Excel file, such as file path, file type and sheet name. The code below saves the model to a folder named *model* in the current directory:: >>> model.write("model") We should find an Excel file named *df.xlsx* in the *model/Space1* directory. The file contains a table of ``df`` on sheet *df1*. The metadata is associated to ``df`` as :class:`` object. We can check the metadata by calling the model's :meth:`~model.Model.get_spec` method:: >>> model.get_spec(df) Note that the metadata is associated to ``df``, the DataFrame object, not to ``x``, because ``df`` can be assigned to other names. We can assign ``df`` to, say, ``y`` after assigning ``df`` to ``x`` by :meth:`~space.UserSpace.new_pandas`. This time, we don't need to use :meth:`~space.UserSpace.new_pandas` but we can simply use the assignment operation, because the metadata is already assigned to ``df``:: >>> space.y = df The diagram illustrates the relationships between ``x``, ``y``, ``df``, and the PandasData object. .. figure:: /images/tutorial/Pandas/pandasio.png Both ``x`` and ``y`` refer to the same DataFrame object, and the PandasData object containing the metadata is associated to the DataFrame object, not to ``x`` or ``y``. Replacing pandas objects ------------------------- Let's say we want to replace the DataFrame object with a new one, which is named ``df2`` in the global namespace. If we simply assign ``df2`` to ``x``:: >>> space.x = df2 Then what happens looks like below: .. figure:: /images/tutorial/Pandas/pandasio2.png If we subsequently assign ``df2`` to ``y`` by:: >>> space.y = df2 Then both ``x`` and ``y`` refer to ``df``, but the PandasData object will disappear. To keep the PandasData and associate it to ``df2``, we should use :meth:`~model.Model.update_pandas` instead of the assignments operations:: >>> model.update_pandas(df, df2) Then ``df`` is replaced with ``df2``, and the PandasData object is kept and associated to ``df2``:: >>> space.x is df2 True >>> space.y is df2 True >>> model.get_spec(df2) ``df2`` is now saved to the Excel file by :meth:`~model.Model.write`. Updating pandas objects ------------------------ pandas DataFrames and Series are mutable objects. We can change their values in place. modelx cannot detect the change of a mutable object's value, so if we change the value of a DataFrame or Series, we need to notify modelx of the change by calling :meth:`~model.Model.update_pandas` to clear cached values of the cells dependent on the object. Let's see how this works by an example:: >>> import modelx as mx >>> import pandas as pd >>> model = mx.new_model() # Creates a new model Model1 >>> space = model.new_space() # Creates a new space Space1 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4]}) >>> df col1 col2 0 1 3 1 2 4 >>> space.x = df # Use new_pandas instead to save df to a file. >>> @mx.defcells ... def foo(): ... return x['col1'][0] >>> foo() 1 ``foo`` returns and caches a value from ``df``, which is assigned to ``x``. Now, let's change the value in ``df``:: >>> df['col1'][0] = 5 >>> space.x col1 col2 0 5 3 1 2 4 >>> foo() 1 ``foo`` doesn't reflect the change. We need to call :meth:`~model.Model.update_pandas` with ``df`` explicitly:: >>> model.update_pandas(df) # Tell modelx df is updated. >>> foo() # The value is retrieved from x again. 5