=============================== modelx v0.9.0 (9 Aug 2020) =============================== This release introduces the following enhancements and changes. Enhancements ============ .. rubric:: Introduction of new interface to Excel files The :meth:`Model.new_excel_range` and :meth:`UserSpace.new_excel_range` methods are introduced. These methods create newly introduced :class:`~modelx.io.excelio.ExcelRange` objects and assign the objects to References. :class:`~modelx.io.excelio.ExcelRange` objects act like :obj:`dict` and the user can get and set values by the subscription operation (``[]``). Excel files accessed through :class:`~modelx.io.excelio.ExcelRange` objects are saved inside model folders, or outside of the model folders. .. rubric:: ZIP file compression (`GH36`_) Models written to ZIP files by :func:`~modelx.zip_model` function or :meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.zip` method are now compressed by default. The compression can be configured by newly introduced ``compression`` and ``compresslevel`` parameters. .. _GH36: https://github.com/fumitoh/modelx/issues/36 .. rubric:: Updated serializer The serializer is updated and the structure of the model folders is different from the previous version. The updated serializer writes Model information to *__init__.py* directly under the model folder. The updated serializer creates a folder for each UserSpace with the same name as the UserSpace, and output information about the UserSpace to *__init__.py* files under the folder. The serializer puts data files under folders named *_data*. Models output by older versions are also supported. Backward Incompatible Changes ============================= .. rubric:: Text files are output in UTF-8 Text files output by functions or methods to write Models, such as :func:`~modelx.write_model` are now all in UTF-8. Previously, text files were output in operating system's default encoding for the most part, and some were in UTF-8.