Basic usage in Python ======================= So far, we've learned how to build and run models using Spyder IDE, by going through some basic examples. This section covers the basic usage of modelx. Unlike the prior examples, here in this section we will mainly use IPython consoles to interface with modelx interactively, instead of Spyder with the modelx plugin. You can keep using Spyder that you've been using from the prior examples. Create a new MxConsole for the exercise in this section. Alternatively, you can use IPython that comes with any other Python tools, such as Jupyter notebook, JupyterLab, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code etc. Code snippets in this section are assumed to be executed interactively from IPython console, but the snippets can also be written in Python scripts and can be run as Python programs. Importing modelx ---------------- To start using modelx, import the modelx module by the ``import`` statement. By convention, import the module as an abbreviated name, ``mx``:: >>> import modelx as mx By doing so, modelx API functions become accessible through ``mx``. The entire list of modelx API functions can be found in the :doc:`/reference/functions` section in the *Reference Guide*. All the sample scripts in this tutorial assume that the modelx module is imported as ``mx``: .. note:: You could alternatively import all the API functions directly into ``__main__`` module by ``import modelx as *``, But this is not a good practice when you write in Python in general. If you want to import an API function directly, it is advisable to import it individually, for example, ``from modelx import defcells`` Working with Models ----------------------- As introduced :ref:`previously `, Models are the top level objects that contain other types of modelx objects in hierarchical tree structures. Models are to modelx what workbooks are to a spreadsheet program. Models can be saved to files and loaded back again. Creating Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When *modelx* is imported into a Python session for the first time, no Model exists in the session. To create a new Model, call :py:func:`~modelx.new_model`. :py:func:`~modelx.new_model` returns a new Model with a name passed to its ``name`` parameter. For example, the statement below creates a Model named *MyModel* and assigns it to a global variable ``model``. >>> model = mx.new_model(name="MyModel") If no name is passed to the function, the returned model is named automatically by modelx, such as ``Model1``. Retrieving Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What happens if you accidentally delete ``model``, the variable bound to *MyModel*? *MyModel* itself is not deleted, and you can get it back by accessing ``mx``, the modelx module. From Python 3.7 onwards, Models can be obtained as attributes of the *modelx* modules by their names. Continuing from the previous example, the Model *MyModel* is available as:: >>> mx.MyModel The :attr:`~modelx.models` attirubte of the *modelx* module returns a :obj:`dict` containing all the existing models associated with their names:: >>> mx.models {'Model1': } With Python 3.6, use :func:`~modelx.get_models` function instead of instead of :attr:`~modelx.models`:: >>> mx.get_models() {'Model1': } .. _the-current-model: The current Model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a Model is created, read or restored, the Model is held as the *current* Model. modelx having the current model is somewhat analogous to how a spreadsheet program has the *active* workbook. The :py:func:`~modelx.cur_model` function returns the current model when no argument is passed:: >>> mx.cur_model() If a Model or its name is passed to :py:func:`~modelx.cur_model`, then the current Model is changed to the Model. Deleting Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To delete a model, call the :py:meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.close` method on the Model. Saving and reading Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Models can be saved into files in a directory tree by the :py:func:`~modelx.write_model` function. Let ``model`` be a Model object. The code below saves the Model to the specified path:: >>> mx.write_model(model, r"C:\Users\path\to\model") The path can also be expressed relative to the current directory. The *model* directory contains a ```` file and a tree of sub directories that correspond to UserSpaces in ``model``. In each sub-directory, there is a ```` file. The ```` file is a pseudo-script written in Python. The Formulas of Cells contained in the UserSpace are written in ```` as Python functions, as well as other information, such as the Formula of the UserSpace if any, and the metadata of contained References. Although ```` is not meant to be interpreted by Python directly, it's a semantically correct Python script, which makes it possible to import the sub-directory as if it's a Python package. This allows Sphinx, Python's documentation generator to auto-generate a model document from the docstrings in the ```` files. The :py:meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.write` method performs the same as the :py:func:`~modelx.write_model` function on itself. To save a Model in a single zip file, use :py:func:`~modelx.zip_model` or :py:meth:`` instead. The contents of the zip file is the same as the contents in the directory tree saved by :py:func:`~modelx.write_model` or :py:meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.write`. These functions and methods save input values of Cells, but do not save calculated values. They also do not save :class:`` objects, except for those that have input values. To save Models with calculated values and DinamicSpaces, use the :py:func:`~modelx.core.model.Model.backup` method. Use :py:func:`~modelx.read_model` to read a saved Model, whether it's saved as a zip file or a directory tree:: >>> model = mx.read_model(r"C:\Users\path\to\model") If a model with the same name already exsits, the existing model's name is suffixed with ``_BAKn`` where ``n`` is an integer. Backup and restore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: The backup and restore features are deprecated since version 0.18.0. Consider using :py:func:`~modelx.write_model` and :py:func:`~modelx.read_model` instead. There is another way to save Models. The :meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.backup` method writes the Model to a binary file. Unlike :py:func:`~modelx.write_model`, the :meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.backup` method also saves calculated values and DinamicSpaces. The :py:func:`~modelx.restore_model` is used to restore a Model backed up by the method. Backing up a Model is faster than writing or zipping the Model. However, the backed-up Model is a binary file and not human-readable. It may not be restored by a different version of modelx. It also may not be restored on Python environments other than the one that the Model is backed up on, so it is advisable to back up Models only for saving them temporarily. Working with Spaces ----------------------- *Spaces* are modelx objects that serve as containers, separating contents in a Model into components. A Space can be created directly in a Model or can be nested in another Space, forming a tree of Spaces. Spaces are a lot like folders (or what Linux users would call directories), because both are for organizing their contents in tree structures. Another important role of a Space is to provide a namespace for the Formulas in it. We'll get to this point later in more details. There are a few types of Spaces. The type of Space that the user can create explicitly is :class:``. Creating a UserSpace ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create a :class:`` in a Model, the :py:meth:`Model.new_space ` method is used. The code below creates a new UserSpace named 'MySpace', and assigns it to a global variable, ``space``:: >>> space = model.new_space('MySpace') ``model`` is called the *parent* of *MySpace*. Any Space has one and only one parent. A UserSpace can also be created in another UserSpace. To do so, call the :meth:`` method of the other UserSpace. In this case, the parent of the UserSpace is the other UserSpace. For example, the code below creates a UserSpace named 'SubSpace' in *MySpace* just created by the code above:: >>> subspace = space.new_space('SubSpace') If you don't pass any name to the method, then modelx gives the new UserSpace a name, such as 'Space1'. There is also a function, :py:func:`~modelx.new_space`. This function creates a new UserSpace in :ref:`the current Model`. If there is no current Model, then modelx creates one and assigns it to the current Model. Retrieving UserSpaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ UserSpaces can be obtained by their names as if they are attributes of their parents. To get all the spaces in a model mapped to their names, you can check ``spaces`` property of the model:: >>> model.spaces mappingproxy({'Space1': }) The returned MappingProxy objects acts like an immutable dictionary, so you can get *Space1* by ``model.spaces['Space1']``. You can see the returned space is the same object as what is referred as ``space``:: >>> space is model.spaces['Space1'] True To get one space, its name is available as an attribute of the containing model:: >>> model.Space1 The current Space ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you create a new UserSpace, it's held as the *current* Space by modelx, and when next time you create a Cells by :func:`~modelx.defcells` decorator without specifying its parent, the new Cells is created in the current Space. You can get the current Space of the current Model by calling :py:func:`~modelx.cur_space` without arguments. Deleting UserSpaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ UserSpaces can be deleted by the **del** statement, like this way:: >>> del model.Space1 or this way:: >>> del model.spaces["Space1"] Either statement works the same. Working with Cells ----------------------- Cells objects are for defining calculations and storing values. Cells are to modelx what cells are to a spreadsheet. However, as the name "Cells" indicates, a Cells object may have multiple values for the associated *Formula*. The Formula of a Cells is defined by an underlying Python function. If the Formula does not have parameters, the Cells can only have one value at most. If the Formula has parameters, the Cells can have multiple values associated with arguments passed to the Formula. Creating Cells and defining their Formulas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are a few ways to create a cells object and defiene the formula associated with the cells. The quickest way is to define a python function with :func:`~modelx.defcells` decorator. .. code-block:: python model, space = mx.new_model(), mx.new_space() @mx.defcells def fibo(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2) By :func:`~modelx.defcells` decorator, the name ``fibo`` in this scope points to the Cells object that has just been created from the formula definition. By this definition, the cells is created in the current Space in the current Model. As explained earlier, modelx keeps the last operated model as the current Model, and the last operated Space for each model as the current space. :py:func:`~modelx.cur_model` API function returns the current model, and :py:meth:`~modelx.core.model.Model.cur_space` method of a model holds its current space. You can create a new cells even without creating a model and space. If no model exists, then :func:`~modelx.defcells` first creates a model and a space in the model, both named automatically by modelx, such as *Model1* and *Space1*, and creates the cells in the space. To specify the space to create a cells in, you can pass the space object as an argument to the :func:`~modelx.defcells` decorator. Below is the same as the definition above, but explicitly specifies in what space to define the cell:: @mx.defcells(space) def fibo(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2) There are other ways to create cells by :func:`~modelx.defcells`. Refer to the :py:func:`~modelx.defcells` section in the reference manual for the details. Another way to create a cells is to use Space's :py:meth:`` method. The method creates a new cells that has a Formula defined by the function passed to its ``formula`` paramter:: >>> def fibo2(n): return fibo2(n-1) + fibo2(n-2) if n > 0 else n >>> space.new_cells(formula=fibo2) The ``formula`` parameter can either be a function object, or a string of function definition. Getting Cells ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Similar to spaces in a model contained in the ``spaces`` property of the model, cells in a space are associated with their names and contained in the ``cells`` property of the model:: >>> fibo is space.cells['fibo'] True As you can get a space in a model by attribute access with ``.``, you can get a cells in a space by accessing the space attribute of the cells name with ``.``:: >>> space.fibo >>> fibo is space.fibo True Getting Values ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The cells ``fibo`` does not have values yet right after it is created. To get cells' value for a certain argument, simply call ``fibo`` with the paratmer in parenthesis or in squre brackets:: >>> fibo[10] 55 >>> fibo(10) 55 Its values are calculated automatically by the associated formula, when the cells values are requested. Note that values are calculated not only for the specified argument, but also for the arguments that recursively referenced by the formula in order to get the value for the specified argument. To see for what arguments values are calculated, export ``fibo`` to a Pandas Series object. (You need to have Pandas installed, of course.):: >>> fibo[10] 55 >>> fibo.series n 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 5 6 8 7 13 8 21 9 34 10 55 Name: fibo, dtype: int64 Since ``fibo[10]`` refers to ``fibo[9]`` and ``fibo[8]``, ``fibo[9]`` refers to ``fibo[8]`` and ``fibo[7]``, and the recursive reference goes on until it stops and ``fibo[1]`` and ``fibo[0]``, values of ``fibo`` for argument ``0`` to ``10`` are calculated by just calling ``fibo[10]``. Unlike Python functions, the global namespace of a cells formula has nothing to do with where in the source files the formula is defined. The names in the formula are resolved in the namespace associated with the cells' parent space. In that namespace, available names are cells contained in the space, spaces contained in the space (i.e. the subspaces of the space) and "references" accessible in the space. Clearing Values ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To clear cells values, you can use ``clear()`` method. Below shows what happens when the value of ``fibo`` at n = 5 is cleared:: >>> fibo.clear(5) >>> fibo.series n 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 Name: fibo, dtype: int64 As you can see, not only at n = 5, but also for n = 6 to 10 values of ``fibo`` are cleared. This is because the calculations of ``fibo[6]`` to ``fibo[10]`` depend on the value of ``fibo[5]``. Dependent values are cleared all together with the specified value. To clear all values, simply call ``clear()`` witthout arguments:: >>> fibo.clear() >>> fibo.series Series([], Name: fibo, dtype: float64) Setting Values ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other than letting the formula calculate cells values, you can input cells values manually by the set item (``[] =``) operation. If the cells already has a value at the specified parameter value, then the values of dependent cells are cleared first, then the specified value is assigned:: >>> fibo[10] 55 >>> fibo.series n 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 5 6 8 7 13 8 21 9 34 10 55 Name: fibo, dtype: int64 >>> fibo[5] = 0 >>> fibo.series n 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 0 Name: fibo, dtype: int64 Namespace and References ------------------------ Defining formulas ----------------- Most Formulas need to reference values of other Cells and References to calculate their own values. Unlike Python functions, the name binding for modelx Formulas is independent from Python modules. Each Space has its own namespace associated with itself, and the names in the Formulas of child Cells in the Space are bound in the namespace associated with the Space. The names defined in the associated namespace are the names of the child objects of the Space, such as child Cells, Spaces and References. In addition to the child objects' names, global References, special names and built-in names are defined in the associated namespace. The global References are the References defined at the containing Model level, as attributes of the Model. The special names are defiend by modelx, and the names start with "_". Currently there is only one special name, ``_space``, which refers to the Space itself. The list below summarizes the kind of names defined in the namespace associated with a UserSpace. * The child Cells, Spaces and References * The global References defined in the Model * The special names (``_space``) * The Python built-in names The sample code below is taken from the mortgage loan example we have seen earlier. The ``Balance`` global variable refers to a Cells object ``Balance``, but the name of the variable does not need to be the same as the Cells' name:: >>> Balance.formula def Balance(t): if t > 0: return Balance(t-1) * (1+Rate) - Payment() else: return Principal >>> Balance(30) 1.2096279533579946e-10 If ``Balance`` was a Python function, then the names in the ``Balance`` definition, such as ``Balance``, ``Rate``, ``Payment``, ``Principal`` would refer to global variables defined in the module that the function was defined in. However, as explained above, the Formula of ``Balance`` is evaluated in the namespace associated with its parent Space ``Fixed``. The ``Fixed`` Space has child Cells, such as ``Payment`` and ``Balance``. It also has child References, such as ``Principal`` and ``Rate``. So, the names in the ``Balance`` definition refer to those child Cells and Referneces of the ``Fixed`` Space. To get all the names defined in the ``Fixed`` name space, use the Python built-in function :obj:`dict`. The code below assumes that the ``Fixed`` variable refers to the ``Fixed`` Space:: >>> dir(Fixed) ['Balance', 'Payment', 'Principal', 'Rate', 'Term', '__builtins__', '_self', '_space'] (Note: ``_self`` in the list above is deprecated and should not be used.) Running a model ---------------- Unlike a program written in a programming language, a *modelx* Model does not have a single entry point, such as the *main* function in *C*. And modelx also differs from Excel, in a sence that modelx does not populate its Model with calculated values upon opening the Model. modelx evaluates a Formula when its value is requested by the user directly or indirectly through Formulas depending on the Fromula's value. The ``Fibo`` Cells in the sample below is taken from the earlier section:: >>> Fibo.formula def Fibo(n): if n > 1: return Fibo(n-1) + Fibo(n-2) else: return n Initially, ``Fibo`` does not have any values. You can check ``Fibo``'s values by converting it to :obj:`dict`:: >>> dict(Fibo) {} When you request the value of ``Fibo`` for ``n=5``, the values of ``Fibo`` for ``n=0`` through ``n=4`` are also calculated:: >>> Fibo(5) 5 >>> dict(Fibo) {1: 1, 0: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 5}